We thought we’d give you a few Google Adwords Tips. This is particularly good information with pay per click e-commerce websites. We’ve written this as if the website in question is fashion related for the purposes of the example.
- Setup conversion tracking and goals
This will allow you to see which keywords generate the highest rate of conversion - ● Overhaul of existing AdWords campaign
- ○ Splitting your Campaigns and AdGroups into product based searches
- ○ Full competitor keyword research
- ○ Advert re writing to increase Click Through Rate
- ● Setup Product Listing Adverts within AdWords
○ This will give cheap clicks with a good conversion rate and is standard for ecommerce sites
- ● Advanced campaign targeting
- ○ Different adverts and campaigns for different seasons
- ○ Different adverts and campaigns for specific events during the year e.g. London Fashion
season, Brit Awards and Oscars
- ○ New adverts and campaigns for the release of new lines of clothes
- ○ Dynamic triggering adverts of for different weather conditions
i.e. temperature drops below 6oC coats and hats campaign will start to advertise
If snow is forecast for the next few days, onesies and warmer clothing is pushed
- ● Look into branded campaigns using the Display Network
○ With the site being so new, branding campaign is a cheap and effective way of growing your brand name
● Look into social media marketing, specifically Facebook Ads and sponsored listings in Twitter ○ With the market that you are targeting, this is an huge factor and one that should be looked in to as soon as possible
- ● Setup a competitor campaign to target traffic from the likes of Boohoo, Chichi and Missguided
- ● YouTube marketing with your existing video (and any new ones you are creating)
- ● Use remarketing through Google AdWords to target users who have exited your site after adding
things to their cart
○ A brilliant way to capture and bring back people who just need that last little nudge to complete their order