Getting the absolute most from your internet marketing is without doubt a team effort. You’ll need to communicate regularly with, and be prepared to bounce ideas around with your web marketing providers.
For example, if your website isn’t getting the volume of visitors you would like, you should consider talking with you web team about the key phrases which you have chosen to focus on, and perhaps working on great content which would be useful to your visitor and which would back up those phrases. After all, its all about great content and your web team will need your input on this as its your own specialist field.
On the other hand, you might be getting the volume of website visitors that you were expecting but with little or no conversions. If this is the case there are loads of things that your web marketing team will be able to suggest that helps to convert website visitors into enquiries, business or phone calls. One such technique may well be the inclusion of video footage helping to introduce your company, or another may be to offer something free via your website to help capture your visitors details so that you can follow up on the visit.
In our experience, its those that keep in regular contact with us that get the most from their web marketing. We like to think that we do as much as humanly possible in the background, but with that added input from you – the expert – a formidable team can be formed.