Imagery design for above the fold content

web design manchester

Here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design professionals. And we work with companies and clients around Manchester, and the surrounding region, including Wigan and Southport, to provide stunning and effective web design solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about the importance of effective imagery design for above the fold content.

What are the considerations for effective imagery design for above the fold content?

Using imagery above the fold that captures attention and piques the interest of your website users, or potential customers or clients is essential. For this to have a significant impact, there are a number of things that you will need to consider, including:

  • The style of the imagery
  • Unique imagery
  • Overall design

The style of the imagery above the fold

Professional photography is not the only style of imagery that can be very beneficial for your above the fold content, although this is the most widely used, popular option. In fact, you can choose from:

  • Animated imagery
  • Illustration
  • Geometric design
  • Watercolour imagery

Ultimately, you should choose the type of imagery that has the most relevance to your company branding, as well as a style of imagery that can be sure to really stand out.

Unique imagery above the fold

When website users land on your website, the above the fold content is the specific content that will be shown, without the website user needing to scroll down the page at all. This means that your above the fold content needs to be eye-catching, appealing and most important unique to your branding. If your website looks the same as others, especially your competitors, your potential customers and clients will be less likely to take your company serious, and may even be confused about which company website they are using. For this reason, you should avid stock imagery, and instead choose imagery that has been created specifically for your company website. This includes professional photography, as well as illustration.

Considering the overall above the fold design

While you may be focused on one particular image or piece of imagery you want to use above the fold, it is essential that you consider this piece in light of the overall above the fold design. This includes:

  • The typography- can your text be read easily with this imagery used as the background? Especially on mobile devices? If not, you will need to reconsider, as nothing should compromise the legibility of the important text based content.
  • The call to action button- will the call to action button stand out against this imagery if it is used above the fold?

For more information or professional web design support, get in touch with the team today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.