Above the fold animated content for web design

web design manchester

When it comes to web design, we are Manchester’s leading professionals, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester. In fact, we work with companies, individuals and businesses around Manchester, and the surrounding areas, to deliver high quality, stunning web design solutions that really perform. This includes creating animation, and animated content for home pages, pop-ups and landing pages. So why is animated content so popular? And could it be a good fit for your website? Well, this is our guide to above the fold animated content for web design.

Animated content for web design

First of all, what is animated content for web design? Well, content that is animated, is content that moves, or changes colour, itself. Without user interaction. These can either be large scale, or small scale, but whatever they choose they need to have a defined purpose or goal. Otherwise they will just distract your users from whatever they are looking for. And this could be annoying.

In terms of large scale, consider a big hero image for example. It is likely that any image chosen to be the hero image, will be bright, eye-catching and attractive. But if you added some animated features to this, it would continue to intrigue your users, and bring their attention back to the screen. And the animation itself could be used to direct attention to a particular feature. Namely, a call to action button.

In terms of small scale animation, you will need to consider animating small features like text or images. This can direct attention to that particular element., an be very useful for guiding users through the purchasing or signing up journey.

 Above the fold animated content for web design

Animated content that you use above the fold can fall into either the large, or the small scale category. For example:

  • you could create a fully animated hero image/illustration featuring movements and motion throughout. This would help grab attention from the offset, and you can amaze your potential customers with your creativity and originality.
  • or you could animate the call to action button to change colour, or bounce slightly in place, when the user scrolls. This would draw attention back to the call to action button, and could help increase sales or sign ups.

Either way, it is important to remember that:

  • your above the fold content is all that users will see when they make an instant judgement or decision about your website. If this is not up to scratch, your potential customers will be left with a negative opinion, and may even simply leave your website.
  • your above the fold content sums up your brand. So this means that you need to choose animated above the fold content that fits in with your company’s character, persona and branding. Otherwise you will always be off kilter, and off message.
  • too much animation can be a distraction. So make sure there is a clear goal for your animation, and make sure that your call to action button is the prominent feature, if conversions are top of your priorities.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.