Advantages of calm colours in web design

web design manchester

Web design colour schemes can be very important. But these can also be difficult to get right. While your content needs to attract attention and generate interest, especially if you sell products online, it also needs to be appealing to your customers, and match your company branding. This year, some SMBs in the eCommerce field are making the switch to calm colours, instead of bold, bright colours, for their website. But what are the advantages of this? And should you business consider doing the same? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design and web marketing experts. We work with companies and businesses across the North West, from Southport to Wigan, to provide effective, and successful web design solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about using calm colours in web design.

What are the advantages of calm colours in web design?

There are a number of benefits and advantages to choosing calm colours for your website. These include:

  • Building trust with the potential customer or client
  • Using gentle persuasion
  • Standing out from the crowd

Calm colours in web design can help to build trust

A lot of web design features and elements, especially for eCommerce websites, are designed to instill urgency, and invoke user action, immediately. This is achieved with the use of colours related to action, and language like “buy it now” or “call today”. But in the current climate, more people are worried about money, and are paying closer attention to what they spend. Accepting that your potential customers might need more time, and that the whole buying process doesn’t always need to be a rush, can be a good way to build trust with your audience, and increases the possibility of repeat customers.

Calm colours use gentle persuasion

While a lot of advertising, marketing, and salesmanship on websites and eCommerce stores can be full and bright, and hard to miss, taking a different approach can bring benefits. Calm colours can soothe aggravated online shoppers, who may have had a frustrating experience on another website, before choosing yours. In addition, calm colour combinations are also easier to visually process for your potential customers, who may be feeling warn out, stressed and tense, and for whom a bright colour scheme would be too intense. As a result, by using calm colours to draw the eye and direct attention to key areas, you can gently persuade your website users and potential customers that your company is trustworthy, but also that your products will be worth ordering.

Calm colours allow your website to stand out from the crowd

With so many other websites using bright, loud and bold colours to grab attention, invoke user action, and generate urgency, a calm eCommerce website is always an anomaly. And in general, this is positively received by website users and audiences across all demographics. Calm colour schemes allow you to create a website that looks totally different to those of your competitors, and as a result, you can be sure that your company will stand out from the crowd. A change in pace with the colour scheme can be enough to encourage your potential customers to take a break, and examine the details of your website more carefully.

For more information or advice, or for high quality, professional web design solutions, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.