Design considerations for minimalist websites

Minimalist web design is a popular web design trend that can be very effective both for desktop and for mobile websites. This is a web design trend that involves removing all the distractions and clutter from the website, to leave only the most important text, and stunning visuals. But to get this right, grab the attention of your users, and drive sales and signs ups, there are some things to bear in mind. So what are the most important design considerations for minimalist websites? And how can you be sure that your minimalist design will be effective? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design experts, and we provide high quality, effective, web design solutions for a range of local companies and businesses across Manchester, and the surrounding area. This includes Blackburn and Stockport. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about designing a minimalist website.

What are the important design considerations for minimalist websites?

So, to make sure your minimalist web design is effective, and drives results, what are the most important considerations? Well, there are several, including:

  • Choosing the most important text
  • Using imagery that reflects the brand persona
  • Simplifying processes and functions

Choosing the most important text

The emphasis of minimalist web design is the lack of excessive content. Minimalist web design is all about removing visual distractions, and streamlining the content to just the essentials. This includes the written content. Blocks of text look dramatically out of place on a minimalist website. But some companies can take this too far, and leave not enough content for users to understand the company, products or services. You need to find a happy medium, that works for your company. Why not try:

  • Creating a company tag line that sums up your company persona or brand in just one sentence
  • Deciding on the essential content for each page, and sticking to this
  • Increasing white space around text, to help direct attention to it

Using imagery that reflects the brand persona

Minimalist web design uses the minimal amount of web design elements to get across the website message. But this can lead to the company persona being lost, and the character of the website being stripped back too far. To avoid this, and make sure your company branding is clear to see, you should choose imagery that reflects key points about your company persona. This could include:

  • local imagery for businesses focused on the local area and community
  • fun and quirky or serious and solemn imagery for different company personas
  • illustrations or artwork unique for your website

Simplifying processes and functions

One of the main things that is often overlooked when it comes to minimalist web design is the functionality and practicality of the website. Just as the design is stripped of all gimmicks and distractions, your website functionality needs to be easy and straight forward too. This means that all of your links should work as expected, and your navigation options should be easy to use too.

For more information or advice, or for professional web design support, get in touch with Manchester’s leading web design experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.