Using web design to establish a professional image

An important part of web design involves presenting the right image of your company online, as well as defining your company branding. And as part of this, you need to create a professional image. But what does this mean in practice? And what are the advantages of establishing a professional image in web design? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design experts.  We work with companies and businesses across the North West, from Southport to Wigan, to deliver effective web design solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about professional image in web design.

Why is it important to set a professional image in web design?

A professional image in web design is essential. This can bring a range of benefits including:

  • Building trust- online consumers are more savvy, and cynical, than ever before. This means that if you want to win them over to sell your products or services they need to be sold first on the idea of your company being one to trust. A professional image will help you do this, as the more professional and genuine your company looks online, the easier it is for new customers or clients to build trust, and take a chance.
  • Standing out- a professional website that makes your company look special will inevitably help to emphasize your company branding, increase company reach and even help your brand stand out from all other competitors. This in turn can help you reach a wider audience and increase sales, bookings and sign ups.
  • Improved SEO- as part of creating a professional image for your company online, you will probably take into account a range of factors including technical and content based indicators of good quality. This in turn can ensure that your company doesnt just look professional, but also performs better in terms of SEO.

What are the effective options for using web design to establish a professional image?

To make sure your website looks professional, and shows your company branding off in the right way you should consider:

  • Language- while people might simply skip over your text, they are likely to scan or skim parts of it. And this needs to be high quality, original and professional to show your potential customer or clients that your company is an industry leading expert.
  • Imagery- to present a positive image of your company, you need to use the right imagery. This includes above the fold imagery, as well as professional and high quality product and service images too. The better quality of image you use, the more likely you are to present a professional image, and this makes sales and sign ups more likely too.
  • Layout- a website that looks professional is generally one that has a clear layout with less visual clutter on the screen. Not only does this help users find what they need more effectively, but it also means that your website will appear modern and up to date, which is precisely what your potential customers and clients are looking for in a professional website.

For more information or advice about your web design, and how to keep things professional, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.