Improve website typography quickly

Website typography is an important design consideration for any business. But this often thought of in terms of visual design for headings and titles. The practical design of text based paragraphs however can easily be overlooked. Here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design and web marketing experts. We work with companies and businesses across the North West, from Southport to Wigan. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about improving your website typography.

How to improve website typography quickly

The right typography in web design can bring a wide range of advantages and benefits, including defining your company branding, increasing legibility and ease for your potential customers and clients, as well as being a design feature when used for headings and titles. But how can you refresh your existing typography and improve this quickly and easily? Well there are actually several things you can consider, including:

  • Checking the size of the text- checking over the size of your text can be a great way to find any faults or issues. You should check out the size of the lettering on a range of devices of all sizes to ensure that your font is legible and effective. Experiment with changing the font size, usually making this larger, to be sure that your font is the right size on all screen sizes, as often the typography could be increased by one or two points for a positive outcome.
  • Increasing the contrast- by increasing the contrast between the typography and the background colour, you can be sure to increase the visibility of the written content and help to make the text, especially paragraphs, easier to read. This is because each letter and word will stand out from the background more effectively so that your text content can be read at a glance, without straining to see it.
  • Increasing the spacing– by increasing the space between individual words and between lines of text, you can actually make your content easier to read. When skimming over your text based content, looking for information, your website users, and potential customers or clients want to be able to understand the content, without reading each word and without straining their eyes. The right letter spacing can make this much easier.
  • Redefining paragraphs- if your website is using outdated paragraph formatting like indenting the start of paragraphs, this is something you might want to revise. Instead, for the web, your content should simply be divided by vertical lines, rather than any indents or changes to the structure. This is because a uniform approach not only looks more professional, but this is easier for potential customers or clients to to discern when scrolling through your textual content.

For more information about professional web design, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.