Design features to create a successful product page

web design manchester

If your website is designed to sell products, you need to place just as much attention on your product pages, as you do your landing pages. This is because the product pages are where your potential customers will spend the majority of their time. So this is where you need to impress them. But what are potential customers looking for in terms of product page design, beyond the call to action button or checkout cart? And what can make the difference between a good product page that secures sales, and a product page with a high bounce rate? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design experts, and we provide high quality, effective, web design solutions for a range of local companies and businesses across Manchester, and the surrounding area. This includes Blackburn and Stockport. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about creating a successful product page.

What are the most important design features to create a successful product page?

So, what does each product page need to have, to be successful? Well, there are a number of features you need to include, such as:

  • professional imagery
  • client testimonials
  • easy to access product information

Professional imagery for the product page

Product images are vital to the success of your product page. Visual imagery is key to building consumer trust and increasing the chances of your website users converting to paying customers. You should consider:

  • using multiple images from different angles
  • add a zoom option so the image can be enlarged and the user can see more detail
  • using imagery of the product in the right setting- this can help users imagine the product in their own home or work-space.

Client testimonials for product pages

One of the most important things to include on any product page is positive reviews from previous customers. This testimonial content can seriously help to increase sales, as this helps build consumer trust in your company. The reviews can be from social media, your website, or a third party company, but they need to be available for users to see, in direct relation to the product in reference.

Easy to access product information for product pages

It’s essential that your important product information is:

  • easy to read
  • easy to understand
  • uses a logical layout

Your product information should be split into separate chunks, bullet pointed lists, or even a table to help make it easy for users to access the information they need, before they can make a decision. This can result in more sales, and a positive user experience, which means that your customers may be likely to return again. On the other hand, if the product information is hidden behind too many drop down options, or if it is too difficult to see and read, users are likely to get bored and leave your website. This can increase your bounce rate.

For more information about effective web design, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester. We are Manchester’s leading web design experts.