Considerations for micro-animation in web design

Designing a landing page that is both stylish, and practical, is no small task. In fact, it requires a whole lot of planning and research. During this process, you should be considering web design features that can attract attention, and keep your audience interested. Especially for the above the fold content that your users will see first, when the website loads. But with so many features to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Micro-animation is a potential solution. But what is micro- animation? And will it suit your website? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design team, providing stunning web solutions to businesses and companies across the region. Including Wigan and Southport. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about using micro-animations in web design.

What are micro-animations?

So, what exactly is micro-animation? Well, simply put, micro-animation is a small animation or effect that can be used practically, to show visual changes, or to reward users for interacting with your website. For example, when a user presses your call to action button, how will they know that their interaction has been recognised? Well, a simple change of colour, or a small moving animation can be used. This also acts as a small reward for your users.

Using micro-animations effectively in web design

So, how can you use micro-animation in web design? Well, there are a couple of different ways to use them, across your website. These can include:

  • Loading bars- Once a user has submitted information, a loading bar can be a great way to show progress, and that their information is being processed. Animated loading bars can also reveal different animations for different stages of progress.
  • Progress bars- when completing forms or purchases online, a progress bar can be very helpful. An animated progress bar adds an extra level of inventiveness and can help keep your customers engaged in the process.
  • Animated icons- Icons that move when hovered over (on a desktop only) can be enticing for users and as a result, you can expect to experience more click throughs.
  • Help and guidance- To help users fill in forms and paperwork correctly, an animated user interface can help. Pointers that guide users to help boxes, and identify any mistakes can be incredibly helpful. It also makes the whole process more enjoyable for your users, improving the user experience.

What are the important considerations for micro-animation in web design?

While micro-animations can be incredibly effective, there are some considerations to bear in mind. These include:

  • Limiting the number of animations- while animations can be incredibly useful, too many can distract your potential customers, and actually make your website more confusing to use.
  • Sticking to the same format- if you use different animation styles for different buttons, the effect can be quite chaotic. Instead you should follow a set pattern for animating the same elements, on different pages.

For more information or professional web design support, get in touch with the team today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.