Web design tips for happy users

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Designing an effective website is essential for many companies and businesses to thrive and grow. A website can be a great advert for your business, drawing in potential customers and passing on all the information they might need about your business. But a website that is not designed helpfully for your users, is a website that is more likely to fail. People that land on your website will have specific expectations, and if your website fails to meet these, they will simply leave, and move onto the next one. That’s why designing a website with the user expectations and requirements at the centre of the design is so important. And here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, this is something we always aim to achieve. We are Manchester’s leading web design experts, and we provide high quality, effective, web design solutions for a range of local companies and businesses across Manchester, and the surrounding area. This includes Blackburn and Stockport. As a result, we have produced these web design tips for happy users.

What do website users expect from your website?

To keep your users happy, you need to meet their expectations. But what are these? Well, they usually include:

  • clear contact information- potential customers want to know where you are based and how they can get in touch with you. This helps to increase consumer trust.
  • visual web design- no customer wants to read through a wall of text. Instead they expect a good balance of textural content and visual content.
  • links that work- links can be found in the navigation bar, your buttons, or even your in your text. And all of these links, need to lead to the intended page. If not, you will have interrupted the users browsing experience, in a negative way. And this means that your users are more likely to leave, and look elsewhere.

Web design tips for happy users

So, to meet these expectations, and to keep your users happy, you should consider:

  • putting your contact information in the header, where it cant be missed. You can also use a button for mobile device users, that will automatically input your company phone number, when the user is using a mobile device. This will make it even easier for potential customers or clients to get in touch.
  • using video content and large images to add visual interest to the page. This will attract the attention of the users, and draw them in to your website. But it can also add more value, as visual content is easier to understand and take in, when compared with textual content.
  • breaking content up into sections, with clear headers, so that answers can easily be found by interested users. This is important for those that are looking for a quick answer to a question or a solution to a problem. Because time is essential, your users need to find the desired information, in as short a time as possible.
  • using a clear and well defined navigation system that will take users to where they want to go, quickly and easily, without resulting in page errors or interruptions to the browsing experience

For more information about web design and navigation, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester. Manchester’s leading web design experts.