Advantages of poster style hero images in web design

Here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design experts. We provide, high quality, effective, web design solutions for local companies and businesses across Manchester, and the surrounding area, including Wigan and Southport. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about poster style hero images, and the advantages of these in web design. 

What are hero images?

First of all, what is a hero image? Well, a hero image is a large, high quality image, positioned in an above the fold position. This means that when users load your website, this image will be shown first. For a website to really stand out and grab attention, it needs to rely on visual design. And a hero image, slider or video content can be an unbelievably effective to way to achieve this, by drawing users in and capturing their focus.

So, what is a poster style hero image?

Poster style hero images are simply regular hero images with some minor adjustments to the style and design of your website. While your usual hero image will run within the bounds of your navigation bar and heading, or even underneath these layers, a poster style hero image is slightly different. For this to work, you need to:

  • Make the menu or navigation bar look like part of the image, or at least blend into it
  • Use large, over sized lettering that also becomes part of the image itself, or looks like it is designed to be part of it. For example, lettering can be positioned to look like buildings on an image of a skyline, or a ripple on an image of water.
  • Remove any other webdesign elements that might distract from the design. Simply position these below the poster image, where your website will actually begin in earnest.
  • Use an image that really connects with the user or potential customer, to draw them into your website, and what you have to offer.

What are the advantages of poster style hero images in web design?

There are many advantages to using a poster style hero image, including:

  • Brand identity- You can use a poster style hero image to make a statement about your company or brand. This is all that your website users will see when your page loads, so make sure the image is relevant to your company and what you do, and that it really shows off your brand identity.
  • Stunning design- Choosing a top quality image can really help to make your web design stand out and look great. Which can make your company more memorable  to website visitors, who will be more likely to visit again.
  • Direct attention- poster style hero images can be a great tool for directing attention to key website elements, like the call to action button. This can even help increase click through rates, and boost your sales and sign ups. 

For more information or advice, get in touch with Manchester’s leading experts, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.