Benefits of choosing a vertical navigation bar

web design manchester

Designing a website to suit your company can be challenging. Not only do you need your website to stand out from your competitors, you also need to know that it will secure results too. And this means using a lot of tried and tested design methods. But as a result, your website will then start to look like everyone else’s. One way to set your website apart is by using a different navigation menu. However, traditional menus are understood and easy to use for most of your potential customers. So, how do you make sure your navigation menu of choice, doesn’t set your company back? Well, there are a range of options you could try. But the vertical navigation bar is one of the most effective. So what is this, and why should you choose a vertical navigation bar? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design experts. We provide, high quality, effective, web design solutions for local companies and businesses across Manchester, and the surrounding area, including Wigan and Southport. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about vertical navigation options.

What is a vertical navigation menu?

A vertical navigation bar is a navigation bar that runs from the top to the bottom of the page. This is usually positioned on the left hand side, and is a common layout option for applications and programs on computers and laptops, but is not often used for web design.

A vertical navigation bar can be static, or hidden behind a hamburger menu or slide out button. In this article we are explicitly looking at static vertical navigation bars.

What are the benefits of choosing a vertical navigation bar?

So, instead of a horizontal navigation bar, why should you opt for a vertical one? Well, there are a number of reasons, including:

  • Grabbing attention- a vertical navigation bar is something that your potential customers are sure to notice. Instead of being where they expect it to be, the navigation bar will be different, and this will grab their attention and encourage them to focus on your website. It could also help make your website more memorable.
  • Minimalist design- a vertical navigation bar is great for minimalist design, as it can be designed to blend in with the above the fold content, so that while it is visible, it does not detract from the man focus of the page. As a result, your call to action button might get more of the user attention, resulting in more click throughs.
  • Navigation is not hidden- a vertical navigation bar is not hidden behind a hamburger icon or button. Instead it is clearly visible at the side of the page. This makes it easy for users to navigate from, and it can help to provide a positive user experience.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.